Gemslight Monde

Libère ta Lumière Intérieure

Gemslight Monde

L'extraordinaire Force des Pierres Précieuses et des Cristaux

Gemslight Monde

Les Cristaux Témoins Primordiaux du Création

Gemslight Monde

Macrocosme égal microcosme

Gemslight Monde

Gemslight Monde

Gemslight Monde

Notre mission

Notre mission

Oggi giorno, più che mai, le persone sono esposte ad una vita frenetica, alle influenze negative esterne dovute all'inquinamento dell'ambiente, oltre che ad uno stress eccessivo, provocato dalle corse quotidiane continue nell’intento di migliorare la propria vita. Questa corsa estenuante alimenta ogni giorno lo stress che, accumulandosi sempre di più, crea alla fine un circolo vizioso che si autoalimenta e dal quale uscirne sembra quasi impossibile. A lungo andare questo ci allontana drammaticamente dall’equilibrio armonico con noi stessi e con il mondo che ci circonda, la nostra salute ed il nostro benessere psicofisico vengono compromessi: ci sentiamo stanchi, spossati e senza forze, ed il nostro benessere e la nostra gioia di vivere lasciano il posto all’ansia, alla depressione e alla malattia. La missione di Gemslight è proprio quella di aiutare le persone a ristabilire tale equilibrio perduto, ed apportare un contributo fondamentale all'approccio olistico per la salute ed il benessere dell'essere umano. Gemslight usa l'energia delle pietre preziose descritte nell’antica conoscenza dell’Ayurveda in combinazione con le tecnologie moderne, per migliorare e mantenere sempre in buono stato la salute dell’uomo a tutti i livelli: energetico, emotivo, mentale e fisico, creando un equilibrio all’interno dell’organismo ed una sintonia tra l'essere umano e il cosmo. Quando tutto è in equilibrio dentro e fuori la persona non può ammalarsi!


This hotel is just so beautiful and peaceful. The staff is amazing, very kind and competent, always with a smile on their face and always there for you. The room we were in was beautiful, clean, very big. The bathroom was to die for, and the view breathtaking.


Horw, Svizzera

21 May 2018

This hotel is just so beautiful and peaceful. The staff is amazing, very kind and competent, always with a smile on their face and always there for you. The room we were in was beautiful, clean, very big. The bathroom was to die for, and the view breathtaking.


Horw, Svizzera

21 May 2018

This hotel is just so beautiful and peaceful. The staff is amazing, very kind and competent, always with a smile on their face and always there for you. The room we were in was beautiful, clean, very big. The bathroom was to die for, and the view breathtaking.


Horw, Svizzera

21 May 2018

This hotel is just so beautiful and peaceful. The staff is amazing, very kind and competent, always with a smile on their face and always there for you. The room we were in was beautiful, clean, very big. The bathroom was to die for, and the view breathtaking.


Horw, Svizzera

21 May 2018

This hotel is just so beautiful and peaceful. The staff is amazing, very kind and competent, always with a smile on their face and always there for you. The room we were in was beautiful, clean, very big. The bathroom was to die for, and the view breathtaking.


Horw, Svizzera

21 May 2018


12 June

Тестовый текст

И энергии, контраст трансформирует типичный вектор угловой скорости, где на поверхность выведены кристаллические структуры фундамента. Время набора максимальной скорости, даже при наличии сильных аттракторов, энергично. Такое понимание синтагмы восходит к Ф.де Сосс...

12 October

Gemslight master class

Уловите свое руки мощное вдохновение вкладывает в ваши творческие инструменты, которые обеспечивают абсолютный контроль над текстом. их помощью вы любым элементам тени, эффекты с использованием прозрачности...спериментировать у вас всегда ть отменить или выполнить....

20 July

Gemslight Art

Уловите свое руки мощное вдохновение вкладывает в ваши творческие инструменты, которые обеспечивают абсолютный контроль над текстом. их помощью вы любым элементам тени, эффекты с использованием прозрачности...спериментировать у вас всегда ть отменить или выполнить....